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Single Family


Cost: $135 Million

Location: Hollywood, FL

Key Features: 770 Units | 95 Acres | Mitigated Extensive Environmental Issues

Firms Role: Co-Developer, Joint Venture


West Lake Village is a 95-acre, 770-unit high-density single-family residential development within ¼ mile of the Intracoastal Waterway.


Approvals by the US Army Corps of Engineers, FDEP, FDOT, SFWMD, Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection, Broward County Parks and Recreation and the City of Hollywood were required to construct numerous environmentally sensitive components of the development.


Foremost among the environmentally sensitive components of the development was the DEP Class III Closure and conversion of a 30-acre Yard Clipping Landfill into an active recreation area. Additional unique components included an 80-foot-wide entrance roadway through state and county wetlands, relocation and radiation of tidal canals, several bridge structures spanning mangrove preserves, creation of a 20-acre mangrove forest and the protection of the City’s regional wastewater treatment plant’s 60-inch ocean outfall main crossing the property.


The plan for West Lake Village included three basic housing types ranging in price and size.  The construction was ventured with Westbrooke Communities, who proceeded to build and sell homes at the rate of over 15 per month.  The result was a resoundingly successful project that attained all its financial goals and contributed significantly to the revival of east Hollywood and its downtown areas.

Swerdlow Group

Have A Question?

Address: 2901 Florida Street Suite 806
Coconut Grove, FL 33133

Telephone: (305) 476-0100

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